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Wednesday 20 September 2017

Acting Like Children

E.K.W. Legoland

When I was younger I hated being told that I was acting like a child, I use to think it was condescending. People often even used it as an insult. Now though, I love any childish moment and I think its safe to say, a part of you does to.

E.K.W. Legoland

I personally was never a mega lego fan, but my nine year old brother (along with my boyfriend) are, and so, when the opportunity arose, I could hardly refuse. The trip also provided me with a much needed brain retreat to be care free and live in the moment.

E.K.W. Legoland

Childish behaviour can often get you in trouble. It requires a certain level of self assurance to willingly act ridiculous and not care how others perceive you. This was certainly the case at lego land. I guess its hard not to act childish when you are surrounded by so many small children in their element.

E.K.W. Legoland

When acting childish, like I did on the spinning spider it guarantees laughter and smiles, plus a little dizziness. You can't check your phone, you can't worry about your emails, all you have to think about is how fast you can spin the wheel in the middle and how much fun you and the others are having.

Penguin made from Lego

The same can be said for rollercoasters to. Now, my brother had never been on a roller coaster before. The elation on his face at the end was incredible. It was like his world had suddenly grown, he had never experienced anything like it before and that to me was the moment I realised why acting like a child is still needed, especially as an adult.

London made from Lego

There is something so magical about acting like a child, seeing the world with untinted lenses and living in that exact moment. Childish can also be about experiencing things for the first time and expanding your world just a little, like riding a rollercoaster or diving into the sea from a scary height.

D Hat

Now I'm not saying going to Legoland revolutionised my thinking, but it did remind me how much fun you can have when all you need to think about is what ride to get on next.

E.K.W. Legoland

I think we all need to act a little more like children. Where we live in that moment and don't dwell on whats to come or our to do lists; to try something new and give it our entire focus. Being childish provides us all with the opportunity to be a little bit freer and a little more outgoing, and I can't see any reason why we shouldn't all indulge the little child within us that is still trying to get out. Don't you agree?


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