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Thursday 11 October 2018

24 Hours in Keswick; Walking With Alpacas at Alpacaly Ever After

Alpacaly Ever After

For Mothers day earlier this year, I was determined to come up with a present not like any other I had given her. I wanted it to be outdoors, relaxed but most of all, fun. That let me to purchasing a Walking With Alpacas Experience at Alpacaly Ever After, located about 10 minutes from the centre of Keswick.

Alpacaly Ever After

Of course it took my mum and I a little time to sort out our break to the Lakes but we eventually managed to coordinate a weekend in September to do something a little different and so off we travelled, through some rain and a little sun to our accommodation.

We were staying at the Langstath Inn, down a very long windy road, where no phone signal was available but incredible views of the local hills could be seen. The pub also had a fantastic restaurant meaning that if you didn't want to, you could just get back after a day of walking, sit by the fire and only change rooms for dinner later on.

Alpacaly Ever After

Girl with Alpaca

I had booked the Alpaca experience at the earliest slot (I don't remember why I thought that was a good idea) but we arrived on site at 9am, put on our walking boots and headed to the meeting point, located by the giant red squirrel near the cafe.


From there we got to meet the alpacas. The estate has over 60 alpacas's, the majority they have taken in as rescues and don't live on site, but the males get brought in for a few weeks at a time to do walks. What was interesting though was that Alpaca's, quite like you or I, have best friends. They are not willing to go on a walk without their partner and so if one doesn't want to go, then either will the other.

Selfie with Alpaca

The walk lasted for about 2 hours from start to finish, we wandered around the ground, down to the lake where my alpaca Danny went for an exceptionally long wee and then back up to where we started. We ended the experience feeding the Alpacas their pellets, the only other food they get alongside grass grazing.


It was so much fun and after a large coffee whilst laughing at the pictures we had captured we were off for the next part of our day.

Mum had decided (shes the walking guru) that we would do Cat Bells, a medium sized hill with incredible views of the area and a long enough walk to get our fix. The views all the way up were incredible and although it was really busy, with many families, there was plenty of hill to go around.


Catbells Hill, Keswick

As we reached the top, sadly a huge cloud had been blown in and within a minute of reaching the summit we were pulling on all our waterproof layers before continuing down the other side of the hill. Not before taking in the view though (and grabbing a picture of course).

Being a Zoologist and conservationist at heart often allows me to look at areas a little differently to what most people see. This walk was exactly the same. The large amounts of bracken on the hill side made me question how much rewilding the lake district was doing because planting trees can allow rainfall to be slowed upon hitting the ground, being absorbed by the trees and leading to less flash flooding in valleys and towns. I was happy to see though that was some replanting taking place at least!


As we walked along the road back to the car, we came across litter from other walkers. Waterbottles, chocolate bars, you know the stuff. So after a quick litter pick, we headed into Keswick for a piece of Victoria sponge which we had definitely earned.

Girl doing high split on mountain

After a wander through the town we headed back to our B&B, had a power nap (what can I say, I was absolutely exhausted), and changed our clothes. We then headed out for dinner at a restaurant in the Lodore Falls Hotel & Spa. We had struggled to decide on where to eat and as I fancied Asian, The pan Asian restaurant was perfect. I was expecting the food to be pretty good, but it was absolutely incredible. If you had picked up the restaurant, it would have fell easily into the London scene. The staff were amazing, and the creme brulee on recommendation from the waiter, was also exceptional. It really was a lucky find and I would highly recommend it to anyone. We headed back to the hotel after a very busy day, filled with brilliant food and tired legs.

Lodore Falls Hotel Food

The Lake District has a little of everything you could ask for. From Wildlife and Walking,  pictureque towns and markets to delicious food whether that be locally sourced or created using dishes from far away. It was one of those trips that made me fall in love with what the UK has to offer, especially because it really is so easy to visit.

For the first time, I decided to Vlog a trip?! Not sure who I have become but please feel free to check it out in more detail when its live in a week or so!

Where in the Lake District have you been? Where would you recommend?


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