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Sunday, 31 December 2017

What a year; Here's to 2017

Well, we made it. We have reached the end of 2017. Its safe to say this year has been fairly eventful for me, from getting through a masters degree to graduating and moving back home. Its been a year of feeling pretty unsettled and having no idea what I'm doing but also a year of finally deciding what I love and whats important for me.

It's always a little funny reminiscing on the year we've just had. I've experienced severe anxiety for the first time in my life, I've realised which friendships are important, I've planned about 100 holidays but not been on any and I've learned how to actually relax and go with the flow (occasionally).

My only goal to come is to be better. It's simple really: be more sustainable, help people more, do what I can for charity, and generally trying to spread love when ever possible to not only ensure that I'm the best version of myself but also to help other people be the best they can do.

So instead of writing a mega long winded posts about my highlights from the year, I thought I'd photo it instead.


See you in 2018 you lovely people and I hope that you find yourself smiling at least once a day for all of the year. To all those that have been part of my year, thank you!


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