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Monday 27 April 2015

Liebster Award

So, I was nominated by the beautiful @helimac1, (her blog is here) for ‘The Liebster Award’ …

The Liebster Award comes with a few rules:
  • Mention, thank and link the blog who nominated you
  • Answer the nominators 11 questions
  • Nominate a few bloggers and link them below
  • Create 11 questions of your own for your nominated blogs to answer
  • Notify your nominees via social media

Here are my answers to her questions:
1) You have 1 million pounds to spend in ONE day… what do you spend it on?
I would probably do very boring things like invest in a house, treat my family and pay of any debts they owe, along with treating myself a little. The rest would go straight to the WWF, Panthera and any smaller programs trying to save our rare species!
2) If you could transport to any place on Earth right now, where would it be?
It would have to be either Bora Bora or Seychelles, not only because they are stunning, warm with beautiful beaches but because they may not be around for that much longer!
3) What’s your favourite thing about yourself and why?
I guess I would have to say my smile, mainly because if I'm having a bad day I can stand infront of the mirror smiling at myself and it makes me feel a little better.

4) What’s the first memory that pops into your head?
Strangly enough, probably because I was reading Helens answers before, it's when I watched the last HSM on my own. We were all just about to leave high school and "go our own way" that film really struck a cord with me and made me realise how important all my friends are!!
5) What’s your biggest fear?
I'm terrified of time! I am scared of wasting it and of it running out and not making an impact in some small way in the time I have. Trying to make the most of every moment is something Im trying to do. 
6) Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
This is tough, if you had asked me this a year ago I probably would have known the answer. Today I have no clue. As long as I am happy with enough money to give me the things I like, I really could be anywhere.
7) What one thing are you most looking forward to in the coming year?
I'm uber excited about travelling around South Africa with one of my best friends, I'm also really excited about going back to being a student! Working this past year has made me realise I need to make the most of the entire student experience!
8) Do you prefer the country, or the city?
Definitely a country girl, but I do enjoy the odd cocktail and opportunity to get dressed up.
9) What made you start blogging?
I first started blogging in my first year at uni, doing Zoology at university I wanted somewhere I could share and talk about the course and the animal adventures I went on so I created . After doing that blog for a year I realised that as much as I love playing with animals and rolling around in mud wearing no make up, I also do love fashion, beauty and treating myself and so I decided to create this blog E.K.W. so that I can, in some ways let my split personalities continue! 
10) What is your dream job if you could go into it straight away?
My dream job would either be working as a vet for charities on endangered species whether they be in captivity or required check ups in the wild OR I would like to be a project coordinator for a charity, allowing me to organise and coordinate projects, research and funding allowing me to make a small difference what ever that may be.

11) How would you describe ‘love’ ?
An irrational and frustrating emotion that often leaves you confused and frustrated but may also cause you to feel like your floating on air and bursting with happiness. Love isnt just a word mumbled at bed time, it must be sustained by action, without action you just exist along side one another.
I would like to nominate the blogs that I am really liking at the minute:
1. What is your guilty pleasure?
2. What disney character would you be and why?
3. If you could experience something for the first time again, what would it be?
4. What inspires your blog posts?
5. What is your favourite food?
6. Where do you see your self in 10 years?
7. What makes you happy?
8. Where would you next like to travel in the world?
9. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
10. What's your favourite thing about yourself and why?
11. If you could give one piece advice on life, what would it be?

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