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Friday 27 February 2015

Positive Body Image

I don't normally do a personal post, but as International Women's Day, I felt like I wanted to talk about something that is important to me, positive body image.

Through out my life I have always had a positive image with regards to my body. I don't know whether this is due to my amazing family who have always made me feel loved, and thus that I should love me too, or because I have always been so athletic that my body was always up for the task I demanded from it and so it made me love it more, that I do not know. 

What I do know though is that so many people every day stare in the mirror and find at least 10 things they don't like. I know this because for some reason recently I have been doing the same! I don't like how my shoulders are now so big and muscly it makes me look like a man, I don't like the colour of my hair, I don't like how I feel that I could probably loose a few pounds, or that my face appears rounder that it did last year. Trust me, I could probably go on for a while and all I keep wondering is why has it happened now? 

I have  a boyfriend and family who loves me, a job where I am doing physical work everyday, far more than if I just went to the gym for an hour and I'm gradually finding out what I do and don't like in the world, so why the negativity?

I think it comes down to a few different things firstly starting with the season, Winter. Winter makes you feel larger with wearing jumpers and big coats, unsexy as the effort to shave your legs is just too much and down right miserable, because of the short days and cold weather.

Secondly I think guilt makes us look at ourselves with negativity! Yes so what if Beyonce only has 24 hours in a day like us, most of us can't sing like that, have our own stylist, makeup artist, dietitian, nanny, and the rest to help us look like she does either. The majority of us have a make up bag with probably around £150 worth of stuff in and a face which isn't buffed until it glows like the head of an Oscar and that's ok! 

Fitspirations are also a problem too. Yes, they can be amazing motivation when you need that kick up the bum to get exercising but they can also be the source of that crappy feeling because, some days, life just has to happen, and telling yourself that unless you hit the gym now you wont get that figure you dream of is a lie. How does telling someone to "suck it up now so you don't have to suck it in later" ever going to make you feel good about who you are? The answer is it's not! Goals are great but you can't let that goal become the be all and end all.

My biggest feeling though, the reason why today I don't like what I see in the mirror compared to that 3 years ago is the media. It's fine to flick through magazines and enjoy reading about fashion and food, I should know I am OBSESSED with Women's Health and Glamour, but its not fine to look at every model and wish that maybe if your legs were slightly skinnier or your tummy slightly flatter it would make you happier because it won't.

Have you ever seen a runway model with a curvy bum, or thighs and calves so toned you can clearly see the muscle? Have you ever seen them with biceps that actually form large bumps, and have you ever seen a model on the runway who is any bigger that a size 8? The answer most likely is no, high fashion models are meant to be petite and that's fine as long as we all realise that we can't be like that. I'm pretty sure one of my thighs is the same size as Cara Delevingne waist but so what?! My body never will be small, petite, delicate, instead I will be strong, muscular and curvy and if I'm honest, I would much rather be that way.

This is me

Everyone will always feel like maybe if they could loose a few pounds they would look better and then feel better about themselves but I challenge that idea. 

If we can all look at our selves on International Women's Day (8th March) and find 10 things about ourselves that we love, say the fact that my dancing calves are still rock solid, or how the mole on my face that has been mistaken for chocolate hundreds of times makes me unique, then maybe being positive about ourselves will allow us to be comfortable in our skin. Then we can all try to live healthier lifestyles, instead of being down about what we see in the mirror and reaching for the chocolate or ice cream, we can be proud of that ass that shakes, the shimmy that would fail with smaller boobs.

Maybe then will you be able to reach your goal because really the only goal any of us are aiming for is to be happy with ourselves. and maybe that takes work on the outside from loosing weight to toning up but it takes a lot more from the inside where we can smile at who we are today because right now that's all you have got to work with!

So on International Women's Day stand in front of the mirror and say 10 things out loud you love about your body, ask your friends what they love about their bodies. What ever you do, find a way to be proud of you.  #MakeItHappen #ThisGirlCan

Do you struggle with body image? Do you love your body? Get in touch and share your story.

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